aluminum sheet stock’s tolerances

In this article, Mirach Metallurgy Co.,Limited collects one important issue – aluminum sheet stock's tolerances. The detail info is as follow:

Does anyone know what the governing specification(s) are for finding the tolerances for aluminum sheet sheet stock. For example: 2024-T3 .032 thick sheet stock. Question: what is the thickness tolerance for .032 sheet stock and what specification dictates this? If you can help please let me know.

Get your hands on a Steel Manufactures Stock List & Reference Book. Ryerson or Earl M Jorgensen for example. They puplish their tolerances for everything they make. Ryerson for instance the .032 thick, 2024 Alum.; depending on the rolled width the tolerance is….0015 (40") .002 (60") and 003 (80") These are their standards other mfgr would/could have its own.